New water Bill helps big business extract water for huge profits at our expenseThe Green Party are in government, so they’re bound to ensure the biggest users of water are regulated…Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
What happened to our right to water referendum in the Programme for Government? 26, 2020Jun 26, 2020
On Keelings and workers’ rightsOn Keelings…and other dodgy workplaces, because this type of shit is not confined to one or two bad employers.Apr 17, 2020Apr 17, 2020
Michael O’Lehane: a tribute to the founder of Mandate Trade Union on his 100 year anniversary100 years ago today, the founder of what is now known as Mandate Trade Union died at the tender age of 47. During his lifetime, Michael…Feb 23, 2020Feb 23, 2020
For fuck’s sakes, vote for change will ye?In this election you have the power to do one of two things:Feb 7, 2020Feb 7, 2020
Election 2020 — a time to focus on the real issuesIf you want to understand the word “Establishment” in Ireland, just take note of the coordinated messaging around the upcoming election.Feb 6, 2020Feb 6, 2020
The case for flat rate pay increases…How is inequality growing if we’re winning pay increases? Maybe it’s to do with the type of pay increases we’re winning?Nov 27, 2019Nov 27, 2019